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Fabio La Foresta

Qualifica: Professore associato
Telefono: +39 0965 1692242
Fax: +39 0965.169.2220
Indirizzo e-mail:  Indirizzo e-mail
Curriculum:  Curriculum
SSD: IIET-01/A - Elettrotecnica
Struttura di appartenenza: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, dell'Energia, dell'Ambiente e dei Materiali

Anno Accademico 2024/2025

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Anno Accademico 2019/2020

Elenco dei ricevimenti:

Descrizione Avviso
martedi 9-11 presso lo Studio del Docente.


  1. 1. M. Versaci, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, G. Angiulli, A fuzzy divergence approach for solving electrostatic identification problems for NDT applications, "International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics", Articolo in rivista, n. 57 (2), 2018, pp. 133-146, ISSN: 1383-5416.
  2. 2. C. Ieracitano, N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Investigating the brain connectivity evolution in AD and MCI patients through the EEG signals' wavelet coherence, Springer, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2017.
  3. 3. S. Calcagno, F. La Foresta, A Radial Basis Neural Network based agent module exploiting ECG signals to prevent heart diseases, From Objects to Agents - WOA 2017, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1867, 2017, pp. 78-83.
  4. 4. C. Ieracitano, N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Investigating the brain connectivity evolution in AD and MCI patients through the EEG signals' wavelet coherence, Springer, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2017.
  5. 5. N. Mammone, J. Duun-henriksen, T. W. Kjaer, M. Campolo, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Quantifying the complexity of epileptic EEG, Springer, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2016.
  6. 6. E. Capecci, Z. G. Doborjeh, N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, N. Kasabov, Longitudinal Study of Alzheimer's Disease Degeneration through EEG Data Analysis with a NeuCube Spiking Neural Network Model, IJCNN 2016, IEEE, - Usa, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0620-5.
  7. 7. D. Labate, F. La Foresta, G. Morabito, I. Palamara, F. C. Morabito, On the use of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, Springer, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2015.
  8. 8. E. Capecci, J. I. Espinosa-ramos, N. Mammone, N. Kasabov, J. Duun-henriksen, T. W. Kjaer, M. Campolo, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Modelling Absence Epilepsy Seizure Data in the NeuCube Evolving Spiking Neural Network Architecture, IJCNN 2015, IEEE, - Usa, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4799-1959-8.
  9. 9. N. Mammone, J. Duun-henriksen, T. W. Kjaer, M. Campolo, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Learning Vector Quantization and Permutation Entropy to Analyse Epileptic Electroencephalography, IJCNN 2015, IEEE, - Usa, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4799-1959-8.
  10. 10. D. Labate, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Effects of artifacts rejection on EEG complexity in Alzheimer's disease, Springer, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2015.
  11. 11. D. Labate, F. La Foresta, I. Palamara, G. Morabito, A. Bramanti, Z. Zhang, F. C. Morabito., EEG complexity modifications and altered compressibility in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's Disease, Springer, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2014.
  12. 12. S. Calcagno, F. La Foresta, M. Versaci., Independent component analysis and discrete wavelet transform for artifact removal in biomedical signal processing, "American journal of applied sciences", Articolo in rivista, n. 11 (1), 2014, pp. 57-68, ISSN: 1546-9239.
  13. 13. D. Labate, F. La Foresta, G. Occhiuto, F. C. Morabito, A. Lay-ekuakille, P. Vergallo, Empirical Mode Decomposition vs. Wavelet Decomposition for the extraction of respiratory signal from single-channel ECG, "Ieee sensors journal", Articolo in rivista, n. 13 (7), 2013, pp. 2666-2674, ISSN: 1530-437X.
  14. 14. D. Labate, I. Palamara, N. Mammone, G. Morabito, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, SVM classification of epileptic EEG recordings through multiscale permutation entropy, IJCNN 2013, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2013.
  15. 15. D. Labate, G. Inuso, G. Occhiuto, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Measures of brain connectivity through permutation entropy in epileptic disorders, Neural Nets and Surroundings, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2013, ISBN: 978-364235466-3.
  16. 16. D. Labate, F. La Foresta, G. Morabito, I. Palamara, F. C. Morabito, Entropic measures of EEG complexity in alzheimer's disease through a multivariate multiscale approach, "Ieee sensors journal", Articolo in rivista, n. 13 (9), 2013, pp. 3284-3292, ISSN: 1530-437X.
  17. 17. F. C. Morabito, D. Labate, A. Bramanti, F. La Foresta, G. Morabito, I. Palamara, H. H. Szu, Enhanced compressibility of EEG signal in alzheimer's disease patients, "Ieee sensors journal", Articolo in rivista, n. 13 (9), 2013, pp. 3255-3262, ISSN: 1530-437X.
  18. 18. Mammone N, F. La Foresta, Morabito F. C, Automatic Artifact Rejection from Multichannel Scalp EEG by Wavelet ICA, "Ieee sensors journal", Articolo in rivista, n. 12 (3), 2012, pp. 533-542, ISSN: 1530-437X.
  19. 19. M. Versaci, S. Calcagno, F. La Foresta, B. Cammaroto, PATH LOSS PREDICTION USING FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM AND ELLIPSOIDAL RULES, "American journal of applied sciences", Articolo in rivista, n. 9 (12), 2012, pp. 1940-1943, ISSN: 1546-9239.
  20. 20. M. Cacciola, S. Calcagno, F. La Foresta, M. Versaci, A New Fuzzy Geometrical Approach to Classify Defects in Composite Materials, "International journal of measurement technologies and instrumentation engineering", Articolo in rivista, n. 2 (4), 2012, pp. 12-20, ISSN: 2156-1737.
  21. 21. D. Labate, I. Palamara, G. Occhiuto, G. Morabito, F. La Foresta, F. C . Morabito, Complexity Analysis of Alzheimer Disease EEG Data through Multiscale Permutation Entropy, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation (BSI2012), Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2012, pp. 185-188.
  22. 22. F. C. Morabito, D. Labate, F. La Foresta, A. Bramanti, G. Morabito, I. Palamara, Multivariate Multi-Scale Permutation Entropy for Complexity Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease EEG, "Entropy", Articolo in rivista, n. 14 (7), 2012, pp. 1186-1202, ISSN: 1099-4300.
  23. 23. Mammone N, Inuso G, F. La Foresta, Versaci M, Morabito F. C, Clustering of entropy topography in epileptic electroencephalography, "Neural computing & applications", Articolo in rivista, n. 20 (6), 2011, pp. 825-833, ISSN: 0941-0643.
  24. 24. G. Morabito, A. Bramanti, D. Labate, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Early Detection of Alzheimer's Onset with Permutation Entropy Analysis of EEG, "Natural intelligence", Articolo in rivista, n. 1 (1), 2011, pp. 30-32, ISSN: 2164-8522.
  25. 25. N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Discovering Network Phenomena in the Epileptic Electroencephalograph through Permutation Entropy Mapping, in: A, Neural Nets WIRN10, IOS Press BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam - Nld, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-60750-691-1.
  26. 26. M. Campolo, D. Labate, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, A. Lay-ekuakille, P. Vergallo, ECG-derived respiratory signal using Empirical Mode Decomposition, Medical Measurements and Applications Proceedings (MeMeA), 2011 IEEE International Workshop on, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2011, pp. 399-403, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9336-4.
  27. 27. D. Labate, F. La Foresta, G. Inuso, F. C. Morabito, Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Artifactual EEG Recordings, in: S, Neural Nets WIRN11, IOS Press BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam - Nld, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-60750-971-4.
  28. 28. D. Labate, F. La Foresta, G. Inuso, F. C. Morabito, Remarks about Wavelet Analysis in the EEG Artifacts Detection, in: S, Neural Nets WIRN10, IOS Press BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam - Nld, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-60750-691-1.
  29. 29. N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Discovering Network Phenomena in the Epileptic Electroencephalograph through Permutation Entropy Mapping, Proceedings of The 2010 International Workshop on Neural Network, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2010.
  30. 30. D. Labate, F. La Foresta, G. Inuso, F. C. Morabito, Remarks about Wavelet Analysis in the EEG Artifacts Detection, Proceedings of The 2010 International Workshop on Neural Network, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2010.
  31. 31. V. Cianci, N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, A. Labate, A. Gambardella, F. Pucci, M. Elia, V. Sofia, F. C. Morabito, U. Aguglia, Usefulness of EEG-mapping of Renyi's entropy in patients with typical absences, "Bollettino-lega italiana contro l'epilessia", Articolo in rivista, n. 140, 2010, pp. 68-70, ISSN: 0394-560X.
  32. 32. N. Mammone, G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, M. Versaci, F. C. Morabito, Entropy Spatial Clustering in Epileptic EEG, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2009, pp. 1981-1986, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3548-7.
  33. 33. M. Cacciola, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Verssaci, Neural Networks for the Parameters Characterization of ECG Dynamical Model, in: S, New Directions in Neural Networks, IOS Press BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam - Nld, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-58603-984-4.
  34. 34. N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, STLmax joint Mutual Information for Quantifying Independence in the Epileptic Brain, in: S, New Directions in Neural Networks, IOS Press BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam - Nld, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-58603-984-4.
  35. 35. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, G. Inuso, F. C. Morabito, A. Azzerboni, Multiresolution Minimization of Renyi's Mutual Information for fetal-ECG Extraction, in: S, New Directions in Neural Networks, IOS Press BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam - Nld, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-58603-984-4.
  36. 36. N. Mammone, G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, M. Versaci, F. C. Morabito, Clustering of Entropy Topography in Epileptic Electroencephalography, in: C, Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Springer Verlag, Berlino - Deu, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-642-03968-3.
  37. 37. N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, G. Inuso, F. C. Morabito, U. Aguglia, V. Cianci, Algorithms and topographic mapping for epileptic seizures recognition and prediction, in: S, Neural Nets WIRN09, IOS Press BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam - Nld, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60750-072-8.
  38. 38. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, G. Inuso, F. C. Morabito, Dynamic Modeling of Heart Dipole Vector for the ECG and VCG Generation, in: S, Neural Nets WIRN09, IOS Press BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam - Nld, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60750-072-8.
  39. 39. U. Aguglia, N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, A. Latella, E. Le Piane, F. C. Morabito, Epileptic seizure prediction for patients affected by frontal lobe epilepsy, "Bollettino-lega italiana contro l'epilessia", Articolo in rivista, n. 138, 2009, pp. 63-65, ISSN: 0394-560X.
  40. 40. A. Latella, N. Mammone, U. Aguglia, F. La Foresta, E. Le Piane, F. C. Morabito, Entropy mapping for epileptiform activity localization, "Bollettino-lega italiana contro l'epilessia", Articolo in rivista, n. 138, 2009, pp. 67-68, ISSN: 0394-560X.
  41. 41. N. Mammone, U. Aguglia, F. La Foresta, A. Latella, E. Le Piane, F. C. Morabito, Analysis of the Dynamics of Human Epileptic Seizures from Scalp EEG, "Epilepsia", Articolo in rivista, n. 50 (4), 2009, pp. 184, ISSN: 0013-9580.
  42. 42. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, PCA-ICA for automatic identification of critical events in continuous coma-EEG monitoring, "Biomedical signal processing and control", Articolo in rivista, n. 4, 2009, pp. 229-235, ISSN: 1746-8094.
  43. 43. N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, G. Inuso, F. C. Morabito, Algorithms and topographic mapping for epileptic seizures recognition and prediction, Proceedings of The 2009 International Workshop on Neural Network, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2009.
  44. 44. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, G. Inuso, F. C. Morabito, Dynamic Modeling of Heart Dipole Vector for the ECG and VCG Generation, Proceedings of The 2009 International Workshop on Neural Network, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2009.
  45. 45. N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, STLmax joint Mutual Information for quantifying independence in the epileptic brain, Proceedings of The 2008 International Workshop on Neural Network, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2008.
  46. 46. N. Mammone, M. Fiasche?, G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Information Theoretic Learning for Inverse Problem Resolution in Bio-electromagnetism, Springer, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2008.
  47. 47. N. Mammone, G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Multiresolution ICA for Artifact Identification from Electroencephalographic Recordings, Springer, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2008.
  48. 48. M. Cacciola, M. Campolo, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, A Kernel Based Learning by Sample Technique for Defect Identification Through the Inversion of a Typical Electric Problem, Springer, Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2008.
  49. 49. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Epileptic time series prediction, "Recent patents on computer science", Articolo in rivista, n. 1 (3), 2008, pp. 155-161, ISSN: 1874-4796.
  50. 50. N. Mammone, U. Aguglia, M. Campolo, M. Fiasche?, A. Gambardella, G. Inuso, A. Labate, F. La Foresta, E. Le Piane, F. C. Morabito, F. Pucci, Analysis of scalp EEG for epileptic seizure prediction, "Bollettino-lega italiana contro l'epilessia", Articolo in rivista, n. 136/137, 2008, pp. 77-79, ISSN: 0394-560X.
  51. 51. U. Aguglia, N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, E. Pucci, A. Latella, A. Gambardella, E. Le Piane, F. C. Morabito, Epileptic Seizures Prediction in Patients with Partial or Generalized Seizures, "Epilepsia", Articolo in rivista, n. 49 (7), 2008, pp. 9, ISSN: 0013-9580.
  52. 52. N. Mammone, U. Aguglia, F. La Foresta, A. Latella, E. Le Piane, F. C. Morabito, Analysis of the Dynamics Of Human Epileptic Seizures from Scalp EEG, Proceedings of The 8th European Congress on Epileptologyina, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2008.
  53. 53. N. Mammone, A. Azzerboni, G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Multiresolution Minimization of Renyi's Mutual Information for fetal-ECG Extraction, Proceedings of The 2008 International Workshop on Neural Network, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2008.
  54. 54. N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Mutual Information for measuring independence of STLmax time series in the epileptic brain, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2008, pp. 955-960, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1820-6.
  55. 55. N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Entropy Mapping for Epileptic Source Localization, Proceedings of The Thirteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2008.
  56. 56. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, A Dynamic Model to Simulate Pathologic Electrocardiograms, Proceedings of The Thirteenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2008.
  57. 57. M. Cacciola, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Neural Networks for the Parameters Characterization of ECG Dynamical Model, Proceedings of The 2008 International Workshop on Neural Network, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2008.
  58. 58. N. Mammone, G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Multiresolution ICA for Artifact Identification from Electroencephalographic Recordings, "Lecture notes in artificial intelligence", Articolo in rivista, n. 4692, 2007, pp. 680-687, ISSN: 0302-9743.
  59. 59. B. Azzerboni, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Neural Network and Time-Frequency Analysis of Surface Electromyographic Signals (sEMG) for Muscles Cerebral Control, in: Metin Akay, Handbook of Neural Engineering, Wiley-IEEE Press, Piscataway (nj) - Usa, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-470-05669-1.
  60. 60. F. La Foresta, M. Cacciola, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Inverse Problem Solution to Evaluate the Bioelectric Field of Fetal Heart Muscle, "International journal of applied electromagnetics and mechanics", Articolo in rivista, n. 26 (3-4), 2007, pp. 266-271, ISSN: 1383-5416.
  61. 61. F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, B. Azzerboni, M. Ipsale, Revealing Bioelectric Muscle Activity corrupted by superimposed Magnetic Resonance Field, "Ieee transactions on magnetics", Articolo in rivista, n. 43 (4), 2007, pp. 1705-1708, ISSN: 0018-9464.
  62. 62. M. Cacciola, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Advanced Use of Soft Computing and Eddy Current Test to Evaluate Mechanical Integrity of Metallic Plates, "Ndt & e international", Articolo in rivista, n. 40 (5), 2007, pp. 357-362, ISSN: 0963-8695.
  63. 63. M. Cacciola, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Multi-Resolution Analysis of Mortar Diffusion Back-Scattered Signal in Civil Buildings, Proceedings of The 23rd International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2007, pp. 749-756.
  64. 64. G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Brain Activity Investigation by EEG Processing, Proceedings of The International Conference on Information Acquisition, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2007, pp. 195-200, ISBN: 1-4244-1220-X.
  65. 65. N. Mammone, G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Multiresolution ICA for Artifact Identification from Electroencephalographic Recordings, Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2007.
  66. 66. U. Aguglia, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Measurement of the entrainment of bioelectric sources in the epileptic brain from scalp EEG, Proceedings of The 23rd International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2007, pp. 97-100.
  67. 67. G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Wavelet-ICA methodology for efficient artifact removal from Electroencephalographic recordings, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2007, pp. 1524-1529, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1379-9.
  68. 68. M. Cacciola, M. Campolo, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Solving Electric Inverse Problems by Using Support Vector Regression Machines, Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2007.
  69. 69. M. Fiasche?, G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Information Theoretic Learning for Inverse Problem Resolution in Bio-electromagnetism, Proceedings of The 11th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2007.
  70. 70. N. Mammone, U. Aguglia, M. Fiasch, F. La Foresta, E. Le Piane, F. C. Morabito, Analysis of the Dynamics of Human Epilectic Seizures from Scalp EEG, Proceedings of The 3rd International Workshop on Epileptic Seizure Prediction, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2007.
  71. 71. N. Mammone, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, U. Aguglia, Human Epileptic Seizures Prediction from Scalp EEG, Proceedings of The International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2007, pp. 77-80.
  72. 72. N. Mammone, M. Fiasche?, G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Information Theoretic Learning for Inverse Problem Resolution in Bio-electromagnetism, "Lecture notes in artificial intelligence", Articolo in rivista, n. 4694, 2007, pp. 414-421, ISSN: 0302-9743.
  73. 73. M. Cacciola, M. Campolo, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, A Kernel Based Learning by Sample Technique for Defect Identification Through the Inversion of a Typical Electric Problem, "Lecture notes in artificial intelligence", Articolo in rivista, n. 4694, 2007, pp. 243-250, ISSN: 0302-9743.
  74. 74. N. Mammone, U. Aguglia, F. La Foresta, M. A. Latella, F. C. Morabito, Quantification of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the scalp EEG of epileptic patients, "Bollettino-lega italiana contro l'epilessia", Articolo in rivista, n. 133/134, 2006, pp. 17-18, ISSN: 0394-560X.
  75. 75. N. Mammone, U. Aguglia, F. La Foresta, M. A. Latella, F. C. Morabito, Quantification of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the scalp EEG of epileptic patients, "Bollettino-lega italiana contro l'epilessia", Articolo in rivista, n. 133-134, 2006, pp. 17-18, ISSN: 0394-560X.
  76. 76. G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Analysis of the automatic detection of critical epochs from coma-EEG by dominant components and features extraction, ., Contributo in volume (Capitolo o Saggio), 2006.
  77. 77. M. Cacciola, E. Cardelli, A. Faba, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Joint Use of Non-invasive Electromagnetic Diagnostics and Fuzzy Modelling to Detect In-Depth Intrusion of Mortar in Civil Buildings, Proceedings of The 9th Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2006, pp. 57-58.
  78. 78. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Inverse Problem Solution to Evaluate the Bioelectric Field of Fetal Heart Muscle, Proceedings of The 9th Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2006, pp. 241-242.
  79. 79. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, M. Versaci, Quantification of the Entrainment of Neuronal Sources in the Epileptic Brain from Scalp Electroencephalography, Proceedings of The 9th Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2006, pp. 49-50.
  80. 80. F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, B. Azzerboni, M. Ipsale, Detecting Bioelectric Muscle Activity Corrupted by Superimposed Magnetic Resonance Field, Proceedings of The Twelfth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2006, pp. 134, ISBN: 1-4244-0320-0.
  81. 81. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Bioelectric Activity Evaluation of Fetal Muscle by Mother ECG Processing, Proceedings of The Twelfth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2006, pp. 133, ISBN: 1-4244-0320-0.
  82. 82. G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Analysis of the Automatic Detection of Critical Epochs from coma-EEG by Dominant Components and Features Extraction, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2006.
  83. 83. G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Automatic Detection of Critical Epochis in coma-EEG using Independent Component Analysis and Higer Oreder Statistics, Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2006.
  84. 84. B. Azzerboni, M. Ipsale, M. Carpentieri, F. La Foresta, Time-Frequency Analysis for Characterizing EMG Signals during fMRI Acquisitions, in: M, Biological and Artificial Intelligence Environments, Springer, Dordrecht - Nld, 2006, ISBN: 978-1-402-03431-2.
  85. 85. B. Azzerboni, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, A Comparison of ICA Algorithms in Biomedical Signal Processing, in: M, Biological and Artificial Intelligence Environments, Springer, Dordrecht - Nld, 2006, ISBN: 978-1-402-03431-2.
  86. 86. G. Inuso, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Automatic Detection of Critical Epochis in coma-EEG using Independent Component Analysis and Higer Order Statistics, "Lecture notes in computer science", Articolo in rivista, n. 4234, 2006, pp. 82-91, ISSN: 0302-9743.
  87. 87. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Artifact Cancellation from Electrocardiogram by Mixed Wavelet-ICA Filter, "Lecture notes in computer science", Articolo in rivista, n. 3931, 2006, pp. 78-82, ISSN: 0302-9743.
  88. 88. G. Finocchio, M. Carpentieri, G. Consolo, F. La Foresta, B. Azzerboni, Remarks About a Fuzzy Approach to Model Scalar Hysteresis, "Journal of applied physics", Articolo in rivista, n. 97 (10), 2005, pp. 5071-5073, ISSN: 0021-8979.
  89. 89. B. Azzerboni, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, PCA and ICA for the Extraction of EEG Dominant Components in Cerebral Death Assessment, Proceedings of The 2005 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2005, pp. 2532-2537, ISBN: 0-7803-9048-2.
  90. 90. B. Azzerboni, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, A New Approach Based on Wavelet-ICA Algorithms for Fetal Electrocardiogram Extraction, Proceedings of The 13th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks 2005, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2005, pp. 193-198, ISBN: 2-930307-05-6.
  91. 91. B. Azzerboni, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Independent Component Analysis for Meaningful Peaks Detection in EEG Signals, Proceedings of The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2005, pp. 91-95, ISBN: 0-7803-9026-1.
  92. 92. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Independent Component and Wavelet Analysis for fECG Extraction, Proceedings of The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2005, pp. 86-90, ISBN: 0-7803-9026-1.
  93. 93. F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Artifact Cancellation from Electrocardiogram by Mixed Wavelet-ICA Filter, Proceedings of The XVI Workshop Italiano sulle Reti Neurali, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2005.
  94. 94. B. Azzerboni, M. Ipsale, M. Carpentieri, F. La Foresta, Time-Frequency Analysis for Characterizing EMG Signals during fMRI Acquisitions, Proceedings of The XV Workshop Italiano sulle Reti Neurali, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2004.
  95. 95. B. Azzerboni, M. Carpentieri, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Neural-ICA and Wavelet Transform for Artifacts Removal in surface EMG, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 4, 2004, pp. 3223-3228, ISBN: 0-7803-8359-1.
  96. 96. G. Finocchio, M. Carpentieri, F. La Foresta, B. Azzerboni, A General Fuzzy Model of Scalar Hysteresis, "Physica status solidi c", Articolo in rivista, n. 1 (12), 2004, pp. 3428-3431, ISSN: 1610-1634.
  97. 97. M. Carpentieri, G. Finocchio, F. La Foresta, B. Azzerboni, State Independent Hypothesis to Model the Behaviour of Magnetic Materials, "Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials", Articolo in rivista, n. 280 (2-3), 2004, pp. 158-163, ISSN: 0304-8853.
  98. 98. B. Azzerboni, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, Mixed Wavelet-ICA Filter for Biomedical Time Series, "Atti della fondazione giorgio ronchi", Articolo in rivista, n. LIX (1), 2004, pp. 147-150, ISSN: 0391-2051.
  99. 99. B. Azzerboni, M. Carpentieri, G. Finocchio, F. La Foresta, A fuzzy model of scalar hysteresis on soft magnetic materials, "Physica. b, condensed matter", Articolo in rivista, n. 343 (1-4), 2004, pp. 132-136, ISSN: 0921-4526.
  100. 100. G. Finocchio, M. Carpentieri, G. Consolo, B. Azzerboni, F. La Foresta, Remarks About Fuzzy Approach to Model Scalar Hysteresis, Proceedings of The 49th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 434, 2004.
  101. 101. B. Azzerboni, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, N. Mammone, F. C. Morabito, A Comparison of ICA Algorithms in Biomedical Signal Processing, Proceedings of The XV Workshop Italiano sulle Reti Neurali, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2004.
  102. 102. G. Finocchio, M. Carpentieri, B. Azzerboni, F. La Foresta, A General Fuzzy Model of Scalar Hysteresis, Proceedings of The Second Seeheim Conference on Magnetism Seeheim, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 54, 2004.
  103. 103. B. Azzerboni, G. Finocchio, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Time-Frequency Characterization of Multi-Channel Dynamic sEMG Recordings by means of Neural Network, Proceedings of The 2003 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2003, pp. 172-177, ISBN: 0-7803-7898-9.
  104. 104. B. Azzerboni, M. Carpentieri, G. Finoechio, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, Fuzzy approach to modeling scalar hysteresis, Digests of the Intermag Conference, Abstract in Atti di convegno, 2003.
  105. 105. B. Azzerboni, M. Cardelli, G. Finocchio, F. La Foresta, Remarks about Preisach function approximation using Lorentzian function and its identification for non - oriented steels, "Ieee transactions on magnetics", Articolo in rivista, n. 39 (5), 2003, pp. 3028-3030, ISSN: 0018-9464.
  106. 106. B. Azzerboni, M. Carpentieri, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Intracranial Pressure Signal Processing by Adaptative Fuzzy Network, "Lecture notes in computer science", Articolo in rivista, n. 2859, 2003, pp. 179-186, ISSN: 0302-9743.
  107. 107. B. Azzerboni, E. Cardelli, G. Finocchio, F. La Foresta, Irreversible and Reversible Magnetization of Soft Steels for Hard and Easy Axes, Proceedings of The 2nd North American Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Conference, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 30, 2003.
  108. 108. B. Azzerboni, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Common Drive Detection for Axial Muscles Cerebral Control by Neural Network and Coherence Analysis of Surface Electromyography, Proceedings of The First international IEEE EMB Conference on Neural Engineering, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2003, pp. 352-355, ISBN: 0-7803-7579-3.
  109. 109. B. Azzerboni, M. Carpentieri, G. Finocchio, F. La Foresta, Reversible Magnetization and State Independent Model, Proceedings of The XII International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2003, pp. 77-80.
  110. 110. B. Azzerboni, M. Carpentieri, G. Finocchio, F. La Foresta, Remarks about Fuzzy Approach to Model Scalar Hysteresis of Soft Magnetic Materials, Proceedings of The 2003 Conference on Hysteresis and Micromagnetic Modeling, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 79, 2003.
  111. 111. B. Azzerboni, M. Carpentieri, G. Finocchio, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, Fuzzy Approach to Modeling Scalar Hysteresis, Proceedings of The 2003 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 859, 2003.
  112. 112. B. Azzerboni, M. Carpentieri, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, Onset Characterization in a Dynamic Myoelectric Signals by means of Wavelet Analysis, Proceedings of The XII International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2003, pp. 515-518.
  113. 113. B. Azzerboni, M. Carpentieri, G. Finocchio, F. La Foresta, Experimental Characterization of Reversible Magnetization by Classical Scalar Preisach Model, Proceedings of The 2nd North American Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Conference, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 31, 2003.
  114. 114. B. Azzerboni, M. Carpentieri, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Intracranial Pressure Signal Processing by Adaptative Fuzzy Network, Proceedings of The XIV Workshop Italiano sulle Reti Neurali, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2003.
  115. 115. B. Azzerboni, F. La Foresta, Clinical Applications of Myoelectric Signal Processing by Neural Network and Spectral Analysis, Proceedings of The 4th Annual IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2003, pp. 265-268, ISBN: 0-7803-7667-6.
  116. 116. B. Azzerboni, G. Finocchio, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, Intracranial Pressure Signals Forecasting with Wavelet Transform and Neuro-Fuzzy Network, Proceedings of The Second Joint Meeting of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology and Biomedical Engineering Society, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 2, 2002, pp. 1343-1344, ISBN: 0-7803-7612-9.
  117. 117. B. Azzerboni, G. Finocchio, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, M. J. Mckeown, F. C. Morabito, Spatio-temporal analysis of surface Electromyography signals by Independent Component and Time-Scale Analysis, Proceedings of The Second Joint Meeting of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology and Biomedical Engineering Society, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 1, 2002, pp. 112-113, ISBN: 0-7803-7612-9.
  118. 118. B. Azzerboni, G. Finocchio, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, A Wavelet Approach to Intracranial Pressure Signal Forecasting, Proceedings of The Tenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 215, 2002.
  119. 119. B. Azzerboni, E. Cardelli, G. Finocchio, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, Lorentian functions approach to the modeling of the scalar hysteresis of magnetic steels, Proceedings of The Tenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Contributo in Atti di convegno, Vol. 178, 2002.
  120. 120. B. Azzerboni, G. Finocchio, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, A New Approach to Detection of Muscle Activation by Independent Component Analysis and Wavelet Transform, Proceedings of The XIII Workshop Italiano sulle Reti Neurali, Contributo in Atti di convegno, 2002.
  121. 121. B. Azzerboni, G. Finocchio, M. Ipsale, F. La Foresta, F. C. Morabito, A New Approach to Detection of Muscle Activation by Independent Component Analysis and Wavelet Transform, "Lecture notes in computer science", Articolo in rivista, n. 2486, 2002, pp. 109-116, ISSN: 0302-9743.


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