Principal aims
The laboratory play an important role in studies carried out in a topic of animal production. Everybody know the importances that today have the quality of livestock production and consequently the quality of final products such as milk and meat. In this context, the laboratory of chemical analysis plays a key role for study of biodiversity, to understand the best nutritional strategies to apply for animals production, as well as to qualify the animal products that derived from it. To date, the scientific disciplinary sectors involved are mainly AGR17, AGR18 and AGR19.
Research activities
The main research activities that make essential the laboratory of livestock production are focused on the study of biodiversity in different animal species, on the study of the animal performance and animal products obtained from the use of possible new feedstuff, by-products or a mixtures to be used for livestock production.
In particular, the main analyzes activities in laboratory are:
- Extraction of genetic material (DNA-RNA);
- Amplification and digestion of genetic material;
- Use of molecular markers (RFLP, PCR-RFLP, AFLP) for the study of biodiversity in animal species;
electrophoresis and visualization of results;
- genetic characterization of loci or DNA sections responsible for the animal performance;
- evaluation of the morphological and functional assessment, ethology, breeding of several species;
- evaluation of the chemical composition of feedstuff, such as crude protein and protein fractions, ether extract, dry matter, ash and fiber fractions such as NDF, ADF and ADL;
- study of the chemical composition of livestock products;
- study of the fatty acid profile of products for human consumption by gas-chromatographic techniques, aimed at qualifying, from a healthy point of view, the livestock products derived from different nutritional strategies;
- evaluation of the shelf-life of meat using spectrophotometric techniques, in order to study "life on the counter" for that product derived from animals raised with different nutritional strategies.
Smart Specialisation Strategy Calabria (S3 Calabria)
Agroalimentare / Food Farming
Scienze della vita / Life Science
Manuel Scerra |
Meat quality, milk quality, Diet, chemical composition, additives, nutritional value, fatty acid composition |
LS9_3 - Agriculture related to animal husbandry, dairying, livestock raising LS9_4 - Aquaculture, fisheries |
Francesco Foti |
Meat quality, milk quality, Volatile compounds, fatty acid composition, polyunsaturated fatty acid, sensory analysis |
LS9_3 - Agriculture related to animal husbandry, dairying, livestock raising LS9_4 - Aquaculture, fisheries |
Pasquale Caparra |
Meat quality, milk quality, feedstuff chemical composition, pasture marker |
LS9_3 - Agriculture related to animal husbandry, dairying, livestock raising |
Luigi Chies |
Molecular marker |
LS9_1 - Genetic engineering, transgenic organisms, recombinant proteins, biosensors |